All times PT

Sun 5/12
11:00 AM
60 Mins
Why Bridges Collapse
The 2018 collapse of a section of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa, Italy; bridge collapses in the U.S.; engineering techniques that can make bridges safer and prevent them from breaking down.
Wed 5/15
9:00 PM
60 Mins
Secrets in Your Data
Alok Patel takes a look at what happens to the personal data shared on social media and efforts to maximize benefits without compromising personal privacy.
Fri 5/17
2:00 PM
60 Mins
Secrets in Your Data
Alok Patel takes a look at what happens to the personal data shared on social media and efforts to maximize benefits without compromising personal privacy.
Sun 5/19
11:00 AM
60 Mins
Secrets in Your Data
Alok Patel takes a look at what happens to the personal data shared on social media and efforts to maximize benefits without compromising personal privacy.
Wed 5/22
9:00 PM
60 Mins
Decoding the Universe: Cosmos
How discoveries over the past 50 years have revolutionized people's understanding of the universe.
Fri 5/24
2:00 PM
60 Mins
Decoding the Universe: Cosmos
How discoveries over the past 50 years have revolutionized people's understanding of the universe.
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